Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A trip to the denist

Anyone that really knows me very well also knows that I an intense phobia of the denist.  Now I go for my check-ups every six months and have done well for some time, but Iwent todat with a great deal of trepidation.  You see, for the last several days I have had a strange discomfort back by my right side molar.  I was terrified that there was a cavity or something, although there was no pain, just that discomfort.  What I found out was kind of a good news, bad news situation.  The good news is that the tooth is fine, the bad news is that I may have TMJ.
The denist asked if I had struck my head or jaw.  I said I didn't think so, but on way home, I realized that I had struck my head and jaw pretty severely when I had my concussion.  So I am expected to see an ortodonist in the near future and hope to fix this soon.
Wish me luck!

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