Deb and I went out for our 28th anniversary this evening. We went to a restaurant named Le Veile d Albi, that was rcommended by Margaret and Peter. We had a 7:30 in the evening reservation and when we arrived we were the only ones in the restaurant. This caused some concern, but we figured it would be okay.
We had an all French menu and a waitress that spoke no English. And even though we knew some French dishes, we were unfamiliar with the majority of what was offered. We finally recognized the word canard (duck), so we decided to have it. We started with an excellent tasting salad, but other than the greens, I could not tell you one thing that was in it. Our duck came out in a with anvy beans in a soup type broth, and with a piece of sausage. It looked a bit strange, but was delicious.
After I fnished the main dish, I needed to go to the toilet. I found it, but for the life of me could not find the light, and it was very dark. Taking some time, my eyes adjusted enough to find what I needed in the toilet, but it was still a tough assignment making sure that all things were properly performed, if you know what I mean. When I went to wash my hands, I noticed a glow in the mirror. I looked and the opoosite wall and found a light switch. I will honestly say that I would have never imagined that the light would be there.
I then returned for desert. I had ordered something that said sorbet in the menu, and ended up with an apple turnover type thing with banana sorbet. It was delicious. Deb had ordered chocolate cake with glace', (ice cream). When she ate it, the glace' tasted lke roses smell. It was very strange.
It was a very nice dinner and Deb and I were glad to be able to spend our 28th anniversary celebration in France.
This is actually a picture of Deb and I at the Thanksgiving Dinner.
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