Monday, December 6, 2010

Mass, almost. And by the way Go Steelers!!

All the faculty and students were planning to attend mass at the church at Le Prieure.  Deb and I even went early, forgetting that the mass was to start at 11:15 instead of 11.  The village people had been told that the students would ebsinging a couple of songs during the mass.  Everything was set in place.  Well, all except one thing, a priest.  The usual priest for the mass had some health issues and a replacement was to be sent, but he didn't show up.  We had a kind of service with some reading and singing, and the students did get to do their 2 songs.  But no mass. 
After the service the people from the village and us talked for a while.  I was surprised that although I couldn't answer in French for the most part, I now knew enough French to figure out the questions and comments that were being made.  I actually am a bit disappointed that I hadn't interacted more with these fine folks.  I suggest that the next groups that come to France somehow include the villiage a bit more in their involvement.  The people are really kind and friendly.  Look at these smiling faces!

Last night I had a great deal of reading and grading to do.  In spite of being in France, I have been as busy or busier than ever with classes and responsibilities.  So as a reward, I said to myself "You will listen to the Steeler game when you complete your work".  Unfortunately, when I made that promise to myself, I didn't know that the game was the NBC Sunday night game, and started around 8:30 EST.  That means the game didn't start until 2:30 a.m French Time.  That's rights, I stayed awake until 5:30 in the morning listening to a football game!  But the Steelers did win, so it was all worthwhile.
Today I was looking at the books, movies, clothing and other things that I accumalted while here and realized there is no way to fit all of it in my one suitcase, so I am making a trip to the store in Albi to but another smaller suitcase to take things back with.  These are mostly things that I have accumulated for my classes here and what I taught on line. I just hope I can find something affordable!  Prices here can be pretty steep.
Tonight is Donut Heaven for the kids, and I look forward to serving them.  They have been a real blessing.

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