Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Watching TV

One of the things we didn't do while in Europe was watch TV.  There was no television reception in Ambialet, and while I didn't miss it terribly, I often use TV to unwind and to watch sports.  I was finally able to see part of a Steeler game the first Sunday back and look forward to watching the Champs Bowl with WVU playing UNC on the 28th. 
What I did find on TV after returning from more shopping was my favorite group on a station called Fusion.  The group, the Black Eyed Peas, were on all day I guess.  I just discovered the station and plan to watch.  Those that don't know the BEP, here is a picture.

Black Eyed Peas
(found at http://www.singerpictures.com/black-eyed-peas-picture-45865.html)
Now those that know me know that I love the way they sing and, particularly, dance.  I also use a song called "My Humps" as an example of Gloria Joseph's discussion on the way girls "should use their appeal" to improve their lives.  I don't agree, but yhe example is a good one.

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